Fire Extinguisher Servicing : From Truro to Torquay we have got you covered.
Based in North Plymouth we offer trusted affordable Fire Extinguisher servicing. We can service large or small quantities of Fire Extinguishers that are on your premises, we also supply and commission new Fire Extinguishers.
Our service costs are VERY COMPETITIVE as we keep everything in house which keeps our prices down which we pass on to our customers.
Please contact us for a tailored quote for your business, our customers include Shops, Cafes, B&Bs, Hotels, Letting agents, Garages, Workshops, Holiday Parks, Schools, Kitchens ,Boat yards, Bowling clubs, Churches & halls, Tourist attractions, Social clubs, Leisure centres, Factory’s, Offices, Thatched roof houses and a Castle.
We are always happy to price match or beat a like for like quotation.
If you are unsure how many or what fire extinguishers you need for your premises just contact us we are more than happy to advise and work out a site plan for you.
Full workshop & recharging available for water fire extinguishers, helping you keep servicing costs down.
Our fire extinguisher engineer has passed the BS 5306 exam ‘Theory and practice of servicing portable fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of BS 5306.
Independent family-owned Plymouth business trading since 2007.